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Registrazione domini .COOP

I domini .COOP sono i cosiddetti gTLDs
(Top-Level-Domains generici) e possono essere solo daterminate categorie di aziende/associazioni.

Dopo la richiesta di registrazione verranno avviate le procedura di verifica da parte dell'registry secondo quanto indicato sul loro sito alla pagina

Riportiamo l'elenco dei criteri di idoneità:

  • Members of the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) if otherwise eligible;
  • Members of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) if otherwise eligible;
  • Organizations formed as and/or considered cooperatives under applicable local law;
  • Associations comprised of cooperatives;
  • Organizations that are committed to the seven cooperative principles;
  • Organizations that are majority controlled by cooperatives;
  • Entities whose operations are principally dedicated to serving cooperatives; and
  • For no more than 5,000 registrants, persons or entities whose use of a .coop domain name would, in the opinion of the DCLLC Board, advance the interests of the cooperative sector in general or would assist in the development of cooperatives worldwide.

The registrant has to agree and certify that his organization meets at least one of the .COOP following eligibility requirements:

  • a democratically controlled member-owned cooperative, consistent with the International 7 Cooperative Principles
  • an Association comprised of cooperatives
  • an Organization that is majority controlled by a Cooperative
  • an Entity whose operations are principally dedicated to serving Cooperatives
Si prega di prendere visione del seguente regolamento del NIC per i .COOP:

* Alcuni nomi a dominio sono considerati PREMIUM, quindi hanno un costo superiore al listino
* Caratteri: min 3 max 63
Torna alla tabella generale per la registrazione domini.
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